
What About Current Customers?

In the mad rush to increase search ranking many website owners have forgotten their current customers. Here are some very simple ways your website can serve the people who already know you...


Send out regular information about new offers or industry tips by email

Do you have a special offer or discount? Have you introduced a new product or service? Or do you just have some advice that you feel that your customers may benefit from? These are all great reasons to keep in touch. You are always improving and learning new ways to do your work better. Let everybody know!


Offer the ability for your customers to purchase your products

You don't have to have a shop to open an on-line store. If you're a hairdresser or a beauty salon or a service centre you probably have a few shelves of products that you offer your customers when they are with you. Why not put them on your site as well? Tell everybody that if they run out or if they decide to buy later then they can find everything on your website. A few more sales never hurt anybody.


Have relevant and complete information!

Your website is not something you purchase and leave in a corner. It is a valuable and effective way to speak with your customers. Let them know what you've been up to. They might be looking elsewhere, completely unaware that you already have what they are after! Having lots of good quality content on your website also does wonders for SEO.


Sometimes it's easy to forget that our websites are also for people who already know us. Don't neglect them, especially when it's so easy to add bulk email and an on-line shopping facility to your website. If I made your site then you probably already have both but don't know it yet. It is a bit more difficult to add quality content but the benefit is confidence, trust and repeat business.

It's far less expensive to get repeat customers than to get new ones. The internet is no different. Make your website useful to new AND existing customers.


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