
Facebook: More Than Just Imaginary Friends (part 1)

Your company page will not be an overnight Facebook sensation. It will not "go viral". At least, not without a LOT of money spent on making it happen. Where did you first hear about "internet sensation" Justin Bieber? TV? Radio? Newspaper? For most people it was NOT the internet.

The most popular pages on Facebook are still TV shows, actors/actresses/stars, bands and so on. Things that people already knew about! So we need to get creative with how we use Facebook if we are to get some real value from it.

Have a look at the GMAC Internet Solutions web page and Facebook page...

Now have a CLOSER look and note how the items on our web page are the same as the items on our Facebook wall...

We have set our site up so that our front page shows what work we have just completed. We wanted to have the same information on our Facebook wall but we didn't want to type it all in twice.

To do this, we developed software that will read Facebook and then reformat everything into a front page for our website. The software reformats the text, resizes the images to fit our design, and puts everything into a two-column layout without any extra work!

You can see it works for us. Announcements are easy to post and always look how we want. If we redesign the site in the future then we just tell our software to display our Facebook content according to the new design. We will not have to enter it all again.

This is perfect for any company or organisation who wants to have an up-to-date news feed on their website, and/or wants to have a Facebook page but not spend much time maintaining it.

We recommend ALL businesses have a Facebook page, if only because it costs no money. Where else can you get some extra exposure for nothing? I can help you set one up properly and safely. Then we can look at how it can be used for you.

This is just the first of many handy Facebook uses we have been working on.

Facebook is more than just imaginary friends. We can make it simple and useful for you.


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